My whole life I've heard from many different people how much I look like my dad and how much I act like my dad and how much I think like my dad. While I was contemplating what to write you for your birthday I started thinking of what that means to me.
As far as looks go, you're a pretty handsome man so I'm good with looking like you, at least a female version of you. You aren't the tallest dad or the strongest physically, though I know working on the farm has made you pretty buff, but you are the strongest man I know. You handle with grace amazing pressures that are laid on your shoulders every day. You make mistakes sometimes but you aren't too proud to admit and you take those mistakes and learn from it and then turn it into a lesson for whichever one of your kids needs it most. You manage this family with mercy and love; you have a wife that adores you and children that thank God for you everyday. How rare a man like that in today's society? You have taught your son how to be a man and your daughters what to look for in a man. Our family has had its ups and downs but through everything you remain the heart and center and provide the strength and love that we need to make it through. You discipline use when we are wrong, praise us when we are right, pray for us when we stray away, and love us through it all.
Not only do you handle your family with amazing strength but you manage a business with wisdom and grace. I’ve met many intelligent men, my Advanced Accounting teachers, famous theologians with many degrees, and doctors with more letters after their names than well, most people have in their names, but you are the smartest man I’ve ever met. The lives of hundreds of people are affected daily with the decisions you make. What is so neat to me is that I know how seriously you take that responsibility. I know how hard you agonize and pray over seemingly small decisions. You lead with a somber dignity that I respect so much. A lot of people know you, but few really get to see this side of you. I’ve learned so much that I plan on taking into my professional life from watching the way you lead.
I also love watching the way you pastor Bethel Baptist Church. It’s not the biggest or the fanciest but it has some of the greatest people. You saw the potential from the very beginning. You are so full of ideas, such a dreamer, and you’ve taken your newest endeavor and ‘ran with it’. It’s been neat for me to watch the Church grow so much, how it went from very few young couples and children to filling half the pews with little kids in such a short time. The people there love you and it shows every Sunday.
You are easily the most influential person in my life. I love discussing business and life with you. I do not love discussing politics with you because you always play the devil’s advocate just because you like to debate! It drives me nutty but it makes me think, dig deeper and come up with solid reasoning behind why I believe what I believe. I’m so thankful you are my dad. The last few months of my life have easily been the hardest in my 25 years and what would I have done without my daddy’s never ending support? Even think we don’t agree 100% your opinions always matter and they always make the think. I can’t imagine a better Pappy for Ike and I know he will adore you as much as Sophie and Gracie do. He’ll know what a terrific man he has in his life and how you will be there for him always, just like his mommy does.
So, in the future when people tell me I look like you, or act like you, or think like you, I’ll smile and nod like I have my whole life. I’ll tell them thank you and then think to myself what a compliment they have just given to me. I’ll thank God for the example He has given to me in you and ask Him to make those comments really true someday.
I love you dad and I thank my God upon every remembrance of you,
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